May 2024 Newsletter

Best of Wellness Connection– Learn what causes shoulder pain and how to prevent flare-ups If you’re one of the millions of Americans who have shoulder pain that can wake you out of a restful night’s sleep – or experiences pain every time you have to reach...

October 2023 Newsletter – Shoulder Pain

Reach for the Stars! ✨⭐️🌟💫 Learn what causes shoulder pain and how to prevent flare-ups if you’re one of the millions of Americans who have shoulder pain that can wake you out of a restful night’s sleep – or experiences...
Does Your Shoulder Have This Problem?

Does Your Shoulder Have This Problem?

When the shoulder is injured or not working effectively, it can usually be caused by any one or several key problems – but this one may be the most important of all…. Usually activities such as playing golf, gardening, throwing a football, or even reaching behind to...