April 2023 Newsletter – Family Participation

Family participation can be a game-changer for successful treatment 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 No longer is family expected to sit in the waiting room. According to research published in the Annals of Family Medicine in 2005, “the...

February 2023 Newsletter – Night Cramps

How to deal with nighttime leg cramps 😱 Dr. Matt has some advice to help relieve the pain! Night time leg cramps – if you’ve ever had one you are already wincing at the thought of it – that stabbing pain in your leg that wakes you from a sound sleep and makes...

January 2023 Newsletter – Stress

Are you stressing out? 😫 We all feel stressed at one time or another!Dr. Matt has some advice to help you cope! The holidays may be over, but stress is the gift that keeps on giving – especially for those of us in Southwest Florida still dealing with the...

November 2022 Newsletter – Arthritis

Is arthritis pain keeping you from doing the things that you love? 😫 Although there is no cure for arthritis, there are ways to lessen the pain and get back to living! Did you know that 60 million adults – or about 23 percent of all American adults – are...

October 2022 Newsletter – What is a PT?

What IS a Physical Therapist? 🤔 It is a question we hear all the time at our clinic – so Dr. Matt provides answers! This is a question we hear all the time in our clinic! What IS a physical therapist? What does a physical therapist DO? Are you a doctor? Are...

September Newsletter – Keep your Balance

How to keep your balance ⚖️ and avoid dangerous falls Dr. Matt shows you how to assess your own risks and gives some great advice to keep your balance! September is National Fall Prevention Awareness Month. From medication side-effects to muscle weakness...