February 2024 Newsletter – Walking

I’m Walkin’ 🚶🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ For most of us, there is really no better way to keep fit! Every time we strap on our walking shoes, Fats Domino’s classic tune starts playing in our heads. And...

December 2023 Newsletter – Holiday Stress

Stress Less! 🕊️ Enjoy the holiday season with Dr. Matt’s simple breathing technique Everyone feels under pressure at this most wonderful time of the year! There are so many demands on our time and our wallets, that it is easy to be consumed by...

October 2023 Newsletter – Shoulder Pain

Reach for the Stars! ✨⭐️🌟💫 Learn what causes shoulder pain and how to prevent flare-ups if you’re one of the millions of Americans who have shoulder pain that can wake you out of a restful night’s sleep – or experiences...

September 2023 Newsletter Driving Posture

Hitting the road? 🚗 🚙 Learn how to position your seat properly to avoid back pain! With many of our snowbird Friends and patients getting ready to hit the road for the long drive back to their winter paradise homes, we thought it would be a good time...

June 2023 Newsletter – Longevity

U.S. Life expectancy is on the decline – Learn how to increase your own longevity and live life to the fullest! Did you know that life expectancy in the United States is down approximately 2.7 years from 2019, despite out-spending every other comparable nation by more...

May 2023 Newsletter

How to use a hand-held massaging gun safely at home Devices such as Theragun have revolutionized home treatment of muscular aches and pains and soft tissue injuries According to the Journal of Pain, more than one-third of all American adults report suffering with...