What IS a Physical Therapist? 🤔

It is a question we hear all the time at our clinic – so Dr. Matt provides answers!

This is a question we hear all the time in our clinic! What IS a physical therapist? What does a physical therapist DO? Are you a doctor? Are you a REAL doctor?

The short answer is Yes! We are doctors or DPTs – doctors of physical therapy; just like your dentist is a doctor for the health of your teeth, or your optometrist is a doctor for your eye health – we are doctors for muscular and skeletal movement. We diagnose ailments that restrict movement and cause pain and formulate treatment plans to restore movement and relieve pain. We possess a doctorate degree and must pass a board exam to be licensed to practice.

We are also supported by physical therapy assistants – or PTAs – who work in conjunction with DPTs much like physician assistants support medical doctors. These masters-level therapists execute treatment plans and monitor progress.

And we are all supported by highly qualified technicians and business office staff. We couldn’t help YOU without THEM!

See this month’s Wellness Connection video on our YouTube channel for more about Physial Therapy and what it can do for you. Just scan the QR code below with your phone. Or visit the Wellness Connection page on our website!

In case you missed it!

Dr Matt and Zaida celebrate her 17th anniversary with Allied

Allied Physical Therapy’s Cape Coral clinic survived Hurricane Ian with only minor damage to the exterior. We re-opened on October 10 – as soon as water and electricity were restored to our area. A special thanks to everyone on our team who pitched in to clean up and for checking in on all of our guests after the storm and getting them back on the schedule – so we could all get back to doing what we love! 

Dr Matt and Zaida celebrate her 17th anniversary with Allied

Beyond the Physical!

The team and guests at Allied Physical Therapy Wellness Community packed and donated 20 Boxes of Joy with toys, clothing, school supplies, and hygiene items as Christmas gifts for children in developing countries. Thank you everyone who participated!