Is arthritis pain keeping you from doing the things that you love? 😫

Although there is no cure for arthritis, there are ways to lessen the pain and get back to living!

Did you know that 60 million adults – or about 23 percent of all American adults – are suffering with the pain of arthritis right now? And that about 300,000 of them are children? Each year annual costs for medical care and lost earnings due to arthritis in this country amounts to about $303.5 billion. In fact, arthritis is the number one cause of disability in the United States.

Although there is no cure for any of the more than 100 different types of arthritis, there are things that can be done to prevent arthritis, or to keep it from progressing in those who have already been diagnosed. And there are also ways to live with arthritis and lessen the inflammation and pain that can prevent you from working or living your life to the fullest.

In this month’s Wellness Connection video, Dr. Matt explores all the different types of arthritis, what causes it, and things you can do to prevent pain and get back to what you love. If you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask and we will either address them personally or in an upcoming newsletter or video!

If you would like to make an appointment, just call us at (239) 242-0070. Or click here to request an appointment. Our therapists and technicians are always ready to assist you.

In case you missed it!

Dr Matt and Zaida celebrate her 17th anniversary with Allied

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 from our family to yours!

The Allied family enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings last week at the Cape Coral clinic! So very much to be thankful for this year. We wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!

Dr Matt and Zaida celebrate her 17th anniversary with Allied

🎉 Welcome doctoral students!

The future of physical therapy sure is bright! Allied was thrilled to welcome three new doctoral students to the Allied family last week! We are so glad to have you Erika, Haley and Dorian! Welcome aboard!