Are you stressing out? 😫

We all feel stressed at one time or another!
Dr. Matt has some advice to help you cope!

The holidays may be over, but stress is the gift that keeps on giving – especially for those of us in Southwest Florida still dealing with the after-effects of Hurricane Ian.

Of course, we also have the “New Year Resolutions” to lose weight, keep to a diet, stick to an exercise routine. When we fall short, stress builds.

There is no outrunning stress. It follows you everywhere. 

The Institute of Stress defines stress as the demands upon a person outweighing the person’s abilities or resources to meet those demands.

There is all kinds of stress. There’s “happy” stress such as buying a home, getting married, having a baby, or planning an international trip of a lifetime. And there’s “sad” stress, such as the death of a loved one, financial challenges, and health problems.

Happy or sad – stress is simply BAD for you.

Consider these physiological effects on the body:

  • Raises blood pressure
  • Causes tension headaches
  • Causes stomach problems, diarrhea or vomiting
  • Can make you breathe harder or cause rapid breathing or hyperventilation
  • Over or under-eating
  • Panic and anxiety attacks
  • Insomnia
  • Can lead to heart attack, stroke

In this month’s Wellness Connection video, Dr. Matt explores all the different types of stress, what causes it, and things you can do to cope with stress and avoid wear and tear on your body, mind and spirit.

If you questions, do not hesitate to ask and we will either address them personally or in an upcoming newsletter or video!

If you would like to make an appointment, just call us at (239) 242-0070. Or visit our website at for more information. Our therapists and technicians are always ready to assist you.

Get your FREE Allied Water Bottle!

Just visit us online to schedule your appointment – or call (239) 242-0070 – and mention this newsletter and receive a FREE WATER BOTTLE to keep track of your fluid intake! With a convenient straw and measurement and time markings, it is a great way to keep track of your water intake!

In case you missed it!

Dr Matt and Zaida celebrate her 17th anniversary with Allied

Holiday happiness and MANY THANKS! 🙏

Many, MANY thanks to everyone who contributed to our holiday giving opportunities this year! As you know, many of our local families were displaced by Hurricane Ian, and your generosity helped so many children to enjoy Christmas despite their recent challenges. These are just a few of the thank you cards and letters we have received – and we wanted to share them with all of you!

Dr Matt and Zaida celebrate her 17th anniversary with Allied