Happy New Year! 🎉

Let’s get started on those resolutions!

Every New Year rings in with the promise of a new start, a new beginning, a new lease on life – an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start over with new goals or lifestyle improvements.

And every year, fully 80% of us will fail to meet the impossible goals we have set for ourselves – either out of frustration, or surrender and retreat to our own comfort zones.

What we fail to recognize is that many of these goals – wellness in particular – require a life-long commitment to a journey – not a race to a destination. Resolutions and goals should not be about withholding those things that give us pleasure – but rather the inclusion of balance in our daily lives. Chocolate cake is all the more sweeter when it is enjoyed as a treat on special occasions, rather than served as dessert every single day of your life. Special purchases will give you and your family much more pleasure when they are paid for with savings particularly earmarked for the purpose.

When we recognize our goals, dreams and visions of our personal future to be the life-long journeys that they are – with all the pitfalls, twists and turns that journeys often offer – we will be more likely to stick to the route we have mapped for ourselves.

So, map out your route! There is no better time to start your personal journey toward wellness of body, mind, and spirit! And, if you need a little help getting your journey to wellness started, give us a call! We can help! Every journey begins with a single step – and maybe a gentle shove from your supporters. 😉

Just call us today for an appointment, or visit our website for more information!

Wellness Connection Video Series!

Did you know we specialize in the treatment of pelvic floor issues?

Our own Dr. Melissa Harkness and the entire Allied Pelvic Floor team are ready to help you with all issues relating to the pelvic floor. They have successfully treated hundreds of men and women who have suffered with issues such as urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. Women can also seek help for issues arising from pregnancy, both pre- and post-delivery. For more information, visit our website and download Dr Harkness’s eBook on Pelvic Floor Therapy below. Click here or on the image above to see Dr. Harkness’s video on what to expect with Pelvic Floor Therapy.


We have answers! Get in touch with us at Allied and we’ll do what we can to answer your questions. Or, Call Now to Schedule a Free Discovery Session: 239-242-0070.