Afraid of Falling? 😱
Losing Your Balance? ⚖️

We Have Good News for You!! 🎉

It is an unfortunate fact of life that one in every three Americans over age 65 will suffer an injury or death this year because of a fall. And the risk only increases the older we get.

September 23, 2019 is National Falls Prevention Awareness Day. And the most important thing to be aware of is that help is available that will not only improve your quality of life – it may end up saving your life as well. That right there makes this a National Day we can get excited about – because good balance is essential to independent living.

Good balance allows us to perform a number of activities that are essential to daily living, such getting around, bending over, walking without staggering, getting up from a chair without falling, and climbing stairs.

So, let’s start by clearing up a few myths. First, falling is NOT an inevitable part of aging. Second, aging is not the only reason that people fall.

Although it is true that older people are much more likely to lose their balance, thereby leading to a fall, it is also true that balance issues can be caused at any age by a number of different things, such as inner ear infections and the side-effects of certain medications.

If you feel light-headed, dizzy, or that you are floating or that the room is spinning – it is time to talk to your doctor or physical therapist – because when you begin to fear falling, you tend to stop moving – which causes your muscles and tissues to get weak and fragile – which in turn makes it more likely you will fall. It really is the proverbial “vicious cycle.”

Preventing a fall is sometimes as easy as walking with an assistive device – such as a cane or walker – or wearing low-heeled shoes, or removing throw rugs and other household obstacles that can cause you to trip. Grab bars and hand rails can be installed in strategic locations throughout your home to make it easier to maintain your balance while engaging in certain activities – such as bathing.

Of course, exercise and therapy are very important in your fall-prevention plan as well – because strong muscles, bones and tissues make it less likely you will suffer a fall – and make it much more likely you will recover quickly if you do fall. Please contact us today for an appointment if you or someone you love has been sidelined by balance or fear-of-falling issues. We can help – and we’re anxious to get you back to doing what you love!

Be the best in the league 🏅 

(even if it’s a league of your own!)

If you’re an athlete – or if you have children who participate in youth sports – we’ll bet that you never even considered what physical therapy could do for your form, your game, or your overall endurance level. Well, the secret’s out!


Many physical therapists and exercise specialists actually specialize in sports therapy – and know what it takes to help you throw the ball faster, further, and with less stress on your muscles, tendons and bones. Or, perhaps ball games are not your style? Whether it’s running your first or 41st marathon, skiing the black diamond run, hitting that hole-in-one, or swimming from Fort Myers Beach to Sanibel – we have the knowledge and expertise necessary to help you realize your dreams faster and with much less chance of an injury. Call us today to see how we can help! We not only get you back to doing what you love – we help make dreams a reality, too!  


We have answers! Get in touch with us at Allied and we’ll do what we can to answer your questions. Or, Call Now to Schedule a Free Discovery Session: 239-242-0070.