We get it – many of you have to sit in front of a computer every day in order to earn a living. And some of you can think of no better way to relax after a hard day at work than an evening spent bingeing on your favorite TV series.
Of course, everyone knows that too much sitting can lead to all kinds of problems, including heart disease, diabetes, aches and pains in the neck, joints and back, varicose veins and early death.
Standing desks are now all the rage – but they come with their own set of problems – like sciatica caused by compression of the spine, swollen ankles, and cardiovascular problems. 😱
So, what’s a desk worker or couch potato to do? Move! If you’re working, fidget while you’re sitting and make sure you’re sitting up straight, feet flat on the floor, arms held at a 90º angle to your body – monitor placed straight ahead so you don’t have to crane your neck up or down. (See illustration below.)

If you’re watching TV, pick up the weights – or unopened soup cans – and work the arm muscles. If you’re working, take breaks and stroll around the office. If you’re watching TV, do some stretching during the commercials, or take a stroll to somewhere other than the refrigerator!
If you need some pointers, the Allied staff (https://alliedpt.com/contact/) is always ready to evaluate your working conditions – or watching conditions – and make recommendations about the best way to keep your moving parts in good working order!